Monday, July 20, 2009

Organization Help

I am in dire need of assistance. This is a view into Hollie's closet. Both of my girls have a ton of bags/purses and I don't have a clue how to organize them. I'll get them half organized and then they just throw the system to the curb. (That's how it goes, right?!)

So as you can see to the left in the 1st picture, there is a purple...we're going to call it a bag/purse organizer because that is what I have used it for and can't think of the proper name right now. Would this be more beneficial to put on the back of her door? Or on the wall where the door meets up with the wall when it's opened?

And, if your suggestion is to put it on the back of the door, then where do these lovely shoes go? I thrive with organization but struggle with getting from Point A to Point B.

Please girls' rooms depend on you!! :)


  1. I'd say keep the shoes where they are. Picture this: You get a shoe rack for Holl and then 3 days later, all her shoes are lying on the floor of her closet. Not very pretty, and it's solving one mess just to create another.
    Behind her door on the wall could perhaps work. My suggestion on that would be to make sure it's at a level she can reach. Where it's at in her closet is out of her reach, IMO. Also, I say purge some of the bags/purses that aren't her favorites. That girl has way too many, and Kambri is well on her way too! Haha. If she resists choosing some to get rid of, I'd do one or two when she's gone somewhere so it's not way noticeable to her. I KNOW she doesn't use them all!

  2. GOOD Luck with that all...I love to organize, but I'm afraid I'm not too good either...have you seen my house? Try Ikea for cute organizer stuff......

  3. Hmmm... I agree with purging some of the bags - make her pick out her favorites and donate the rest. You could play up the whole "there are so many little girls who are much less fortunate than you and would LOVE to have a bag like this" thing. :D And then maybe you could make a rule that if you get a new bag you have to get rid of an old bag. I've had to make that rule at my house; not for me, but for my husbands lunch bag/tote/laptop bag obesession. Maybe you could store them in a big plastic bin that could slide under the bed? I'm not sure... I just have all of Harli's purses in with her dress-up stuff (which I keep in an old laundry hamper).
