Saturday, October 10, 2009

Kambri's Room- Phase 1

Kambri's room is now ready for Phase 2- decorating! However, I wanted SOMETHING different done with her room in the meantime, and this is what I came up with for now.

As you can see she had a very unorganized cupboard with books everywhere.

This picture is on the right side of her closet and was definitely wasting precious space that her already small room is in very much need of.

This is take 2 of that same side of her closet with a new bookshelf put in for her books and whatever I decide. Much better, in my opinion.

This picture shows the left side of her closet which I'm definitely liking better as well. And her cupboard all cleaned and organized to be used for her kitchen supplies. (LOVE this cupboard. My Grandpa Hansen made it for me one year for Christmas. It has gotten every ounce of use out of it possible, and then some. I still am working out the inner workings of it currently.

Her kitchen, where she spends many hours cooking over a hot stove. :)

I've now had 2 different people tell me to center her crib, although I was quite reluctant because of spacing issues...but I love it now!! :) What you see in this picture is white, bare walls that are screaming, "PLEASE PLEASE girlify me". Any suggestions? Her bedding is little flowers and ladybugs. I keep saying I'm going to do vinyl ladybugs on her wall, but not sure how to go about it so it doesn't look busy with them!

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  1. I'm telling ya sister, we can use Mom's Expression to cut big ladybugs for the wall. Seriously, we can cut them *big* and it will be super cute. And we'd only do like 3 maybe, and put them all on the wall by each other so they're not spread out. Maybe do some cute brown dashes in between them so they look like a formation of ladybugs on parade :)

  2. I love it! And I also love Lindsay's ladybug idea, too... it would be adorable!!
